The secret to be JOYFUL is not in what you have acquired or the wealth you have built. However, wealth and treasures can bring you happiness, but it would not last if the foundation of that happiness is not rooted in Spiritual Joy. Wealth and riches are temporary materials, and they tend to vanish without proper planning, and when that happens, there goes the happiness that comes with it.
What is the meaning of Joy? It is to have great pleasure and delight. This emotion can be evoked by well-being, success or good fortune or by the prospect of possessing what one desire. It is a good feelings when one experience this kind of emotions. It is satisfying.
However, there is something more satisficing than just having wealth and success. The Joyful feelings I am going to share with you today is more beneficiary than material wealth, it is a spiritual wealth that nothing can take it away from you if you have it.
In John 7:38, Jesus said, "Whosoever believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart shall flow rivers of living water". The streams of living water mentioned in this Scripture is the presence of the Holy Spirit. The work of the Holy Spirit in this text is to create a spiritual longing to know God, to experience God, and to desperately long to quenched the thirsting of the soul that is depicted with so many things.
Knowing Jesus Christ gives one the power to face any life's difficulties, challenges and have the courage to smile about it and still go through life without bitterness and discouragement. That's what a Joyful life looks like. It is not depended on material wealth and success to define their happiness, but solemnly and totally depended on the knowledge of Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit who is the giver of the rivers of living water (Joy)
God said in Joshua 1:8, "This book of the Law shall not depart from your month, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success".
You see one of the benefit of the Joyful people is that when life gets tough and rough as they would, these people understands what we call "The Rules of Engagement". They know what to do and where to go for answers. While others are panicking and confused, people with a a Joyful heart stay calm and meditate on God's Word.
Reading the whole Chapter of Joshua 1 will give you insight of the life of Joshua and the children of Israel. God reminded Joshua to stay focus on the Word of God and meditate on them. What does it means to Meditate? The Hebrew Word is (Hagah) means to read quietly or to talk to yourself as you think. It involves reflecting upon God's Word and ways and applying them to every area of your life (Ps1:2, 63:6; 77:12, 143:5).
Meditating on God's Word is a Principle for successful living, I am not saying that God is bound to give you material prosperity by just simply mediating on His Word. Meditation gives us an opportunity to engage God's Word in a quiet atmosphere, listen to His voice, understand where we fit in in the midst of a crisis and the submit ourselves to God to undergo whatever He has for us in that moment. Mediating on God's Word is a Powerful Spiritual tool that cannot be overlooked. It connects you to God's Supreme essence for you receive from Him. Satan, the enemy cannot steal that from you.
There is nothing as fulfilling as in knowing who you are, accepting who you are in Christ Jesus and living out that purpose of your essence. In my calling as a Pastor, Clinical Counselor, and life coach I have counsel a lot of people who super burden about what they are not and what people say about and how they look. The focus so much on the negative than accepting the person that they see in the mirror everyday.
Again, being Joyful does not come from what you possess or how you look like, it comes from your inner-being and who you as created by your maker, God.
Joyful people know how to appreciate their identify in Christ Jesus, and not focus on what they are not. We live in a world of today that wants to redefine our identify, looks, body share and how we dress or speak. God didn't create everyone to look alike. We were created differently, but in a unique way. In Psalm 139:13-14 says, “For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”. Understanding this concept will benefit you to start looking at yourself the way looks and value you, not the way the World does. Stop paying attention to what people say or how they see you.
I remember early in my Ministry day, as a young preacher I was trying to me like my mentor, God have to rebuke me and say to me, "I didn't create you to be him or her. You are more then who you are trying to look like. Start being yourself". Since that, I have own up to who God created me to be and it feels so liberating, joyful and exciting. I am designer original by God, and so you are, walk in it.
Joyful people don't compare themselves with others, they simply flow through their own identify. They understand the the comparing business of today is not accurate and they tend to stay away from it. They focus on the things that makes them unique and also not afraid to talk about their imperfection which the world see's as weakness, but God see's it as STRENGTH.
I Corinthians 1:27 says, "But God has selected [for His purpose] the foolish things of the world to shame the wise [revealing their ignorance], and God has selected [for His purpose] the weak things of the world to shame the things which are strong [revealing their frailty]". Listen, what the world see's as WEAKNESS God see's them as STRENGTH to use for His purpose. You have to utilize what God has giving you, use to create impact for your generation. The world is waiting to see you your gifts.
You heard before when people say Forgiveness is not for the people who have wrong you, but it for you. That is a true saying.
Matthew 6:14 says, "For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.” The word Forgiveness is mentioned in the New Testament 140 times. In the Greek (aphiemi) sometimes means to "to let go, to leave behind, to dismiss and to cancel".
To forgive is a hard thing to do, but with the grace and power of the Holy Spirit it is possible. People who have mastered this principle can testify that living with an attitude of forgiving is the best way to live life.
The spirit of unforgiveness is life a spiritual cancer from the Satan that eats one's heart slowly and eventually dries up the joy in a person and the end result is dead. Living in bitterness (Bitterness is a deep-seated resentment in one's heart that continues to grow and has consequences for others.) and anger has been clinically lined with depression and anxiety which may leads to suicide
Hebrew 12:15 says, "Make sure no one misses out on God's wonderful kindness. Don't let anyone become bitter and cause trouble for the rest of you". (CEV) When you take the high road to forgive yourself or others of any wrong, you are creating a Pathway of Joy, Good- Health, Peace and Love for you and others around you.
I pray that the Joy of the Lord will continue to be your strength and hope. I decree and declare that nothing shall stop or steal that Joyful spirit in you. I decree and declare that as you go forth in life, that the sustainable Glory of God shall overwhelm you to create impact and to influence those around you in Jesus Christ's Mighty name, Amen.
Written By Pastor Christiana Felix
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