Each year God speaks through the Holy Spirit to Pastor Christiana with a revelatory Word. A Word to position us and set us on cause for what He has for us. These revelation Word defines how Christiana Felix Ministries proceed each year with the Vision and mandate for the Ministry. It is important to know that you are apart of the great Vision and Mandate.
1). Great Awakening of God’s Spirit (Eph. 3:16-17, 2 Cor. 3:17, Isaiah 61:1)
2). Great Awakening of God’s Presence (Zeph 3:17, Rom. 13:14, Exod 33:14)
3). Great Awakening of God’s Glory (2 Cor. 3:18, Isaiah 60:1)
4). Great Awakening of God’s Divine Wisdom, Divine Knowledge, and Divine Understand for everyday living.
( Rom. 11:33, Jere 10:12, Daniel 2:20-22, 1 Cor.12: 1-End, James 1:5-6)
5). Great Awakening of the outpouring of God’s Salvation for the redemption of the souls
6). Great Awakening of God’s Leading and Guidance in fulfilling heaven mandate and Destiny here on Earth. (John 16:13, Isaiah 30:21, Ps 119:105, Eph 2:10)
7). Great Awakening of Advancing the Kingdom of God through Soul Winning
8). Great Awakening of God’s Revelations for our lives and exposing the plans and manipulations of Satan and taking dominion over the territory of the wicked one in spiritual high place.
(Eph 6:10-18, Jere 33:3)
9). Great Awakening of God’s Power and Anointing upon the Church to do great exploits for His Kingdom.
(Daniel 11:32, Joel 2:28, 1 Cor. 12:7-11)
10). Great Awakening of God’s Revival in the Church
( 2 Chro. 7:14, Acts 1:8, Matt. 6:33, Rom. 1:16)
11). Great Awakening of God’s Desire to serve God in truth and Holiness
(John 4:23-24, Philip 3:3, 1 Pet. 1:15-16)
12). Great Awakening of the Outpouring of God’s Divine Healing and Miracles
(Jere. 33:6, Matt 11:28-30, Acts3:16)
13). Great Awakening of God’s Divine Protection and Provision
(Ps 91:1-5, 1 Pet. 1:3-5, Ps 121:7, Phil 4:6)
14). Great Awakening of Nations and Leaders of the Nation coming to the LORDSHIP of Jesus Christ.
(Ps 22, 28, Ps.86:9, Matt. 24:14, Isaiah 2:2)